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Do energy and fatigue levels have an effect on your mental state? 

In a recent study performed the effects that peoples sleep habits and sex had on trait energy and state fatigue. One of the methods used in this study was to use a survey to measure the mental states of the participants while their quality of sleep was also being measured. The quality of sleep we get at night does play a role in our mental health. 

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How does performing physical activity affect my energy levels?


Similar to how physical activity decreases feelings of depression, it also increases energy levels for those who participate in it regularly. It was shown that their is a dose-response relationship when it comes to consistently performing physical activity and the levels of energy and fatigue someone may experience.

Overall the quality of sleep we get at night plays a role in our energy levels throughout our day. the best way to decrease the feeling of constant fatigue is to go out and exercise on a regular basis. This will in turn help us maintain a healthy mental state as well as keep us energized and assure that we will be fatigued enough to get the proper amount of sleep needed to also maintain our mental health. 

Click here for more information on how much exercise we should be performing.

Page done by: Libby

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